martedì 29 marzo 2011

Credete che porterà a ri-flettere?

Mr Tadahiro Matsushita, Senior Vice Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry

Nuclear Energy Policy in Japan

In Japan, which has few natural resources, we focused on the necessity and importance of nuclear energy from an early stage.
The Atomic Energy Basic Act was established in Japan in 1955 to enable the government to promote research, development and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. The Atomic Energy Basic Act stipulates the framework within the government to promote nuclear energy, the establishment of an organisation to conduct research and development, and the legal framework concerning issues such as nuclear safety.
Now that more than 50 years have passed since Japan began using nuclear energy, there are 54 commercial nuclear power plants in operation, accounting for around 30 percent of the electricity produced in Japan. Furthermore, we aim to increase the amount of nuclear power generated to around 40 percent by 2020.
In anticipation beyond 2020, the Basic Energy Plan under the Basic Act on Energy Policy is being revised and its target
to be set to 2030. It is considered that the importance of nuclear power generation will increase furthermore. I expect this process to be finalised by June this year. In the process of the revision of the Basic Energy Plan, the importance of nuclear energy is to be discussed in the Nuclear Energy Subcommittee under Ministry’s Advisory Committee for Natural Resources and Energy.

Sopra riportata una recente dichiazione del Governo nipponico.

I fatti sono sotto i nostri occhi.

Ecco i "rimedi" cui la mentalità moderna sa pensare:

(ANSA) - ROMA, 26 MAR - L'incidente della centrale di Fukushima in Giappone potrebbe premere l'acceleratore sullo sviluppo di farmaci per i danni da esposizione a dosi massicce di raggi, come quelle cui sono stati esposti i tecnici giapponesi. Secondo quanto riferito sulla rivista Nature Medicine sono in via di sviluppo e sperimentazione diversi farmaci o terapie cellulari per affrontare potenziali futuri incidenti nucleari, terapie che potevano essere cruciali nella sciagura giapponese.

Ri-flettere significa, piegarsi su sè stessi, tornare in sè stessi, ri-vedere le proprie posizioni; e quindi rivedere il cammino, mutarlo.

Credete che siamo ancora capaci di ri-flettere?

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